
Bergamot - Lemon

Lemon bergamot is a fast growing, annual herb reaching 60-90cm (24-36”).   It comes from the mint family and may be called Lemon Bee Balm, Lemon Mint.  When the crushed, the leaves have a fragrance reminiscent...


An easy to grow, self-seeding plant with vivid blue, star-shaped flowers and cucumber flavored foliage.  Borage plants will grow to a height of about 45 cm (18"), and spread about 30 cm  (12").  Borage is...

Broccoli - Calabrese

Calabrese Broccoli is an old Italian Heirloom broccoli that dates back to the 1800s.  It grows to an average height of 76-91 cm, (30-36") with a spread that is 30-40 cm (12-16") wide. A deliciously old-fashioned...

Broccoli - Di Cicco

Di Cicco Broccoli is an old Italian Heirloom broccoli that dates back to 1890.  It grows to an average height of 61-91 cm, (24-36") with a spread that is 30 cm (12") wide.  It is...

Broccoli - Waltham 29

“Waltham 29” Broccoli was developed in 1950.  It is a dwarf compact plant with a branching habit that grows to 45-61 cm (18-24”) high with a spread of 45-55 cm (18-20”) wide.  It is a reliable...

Brussel Sprouts - Long Island

Long Island Improved Brussel Sprouts originated from Brussel around the 1890s, were introduced to North America, and remain one of the most popular varieties of ‘Brussel Sprouts’ today. Long Island Improved is an old heirloom...

Cabbage - All Seasons

Also known as 'Vandergaw' cabbage, All Seasons cabbage is an heirloom variety that dates back to the 1890s.  It is best known as one of the earliest heading varieties and is suitable for spring, summer,...

Cabbage - Brunswick

Brunswick Cabbage it is an excellent late-season winter variety. It was first introduced in Germany in 1924 and is an old heritage variety which has been grown in home gardens ever since.  It produces large...

Cabbage - Early Jersey Wake...

Early Jersey Cabbage is an heirloom variety that had its’ beginnings in England. It is early maturing and quickly produces large, dense, elongated 13-18cm (6-7") heads.  They have a distinct sweet flavor and crisp texture...

Cabbage - Golden Acre

Golden acre cabbage is an excellent early summer variety ball head cabbage.  It produces 3-4 kg, (6½-8¾ lbs) heads that are succulent, sweet and tender.  Golden Acre Cabbage produces round, tight heads shaped like balls.  ...

Cabbage - Red Express

Red Express is a hardy biennial that produces a smaller cabbage that does well in cool northern climates. As the name implies, Red Express is an early maturing variety, It is considered a ball head...

Cantaloupe - Fast Break

Fast Break produces round-oval (1-2.2 kg) 2-5 pound melons that are slightly ribbed with a medium sutured net on a compact vine that can reach 152-213 cm (5-7').  Excellent flavor and sweet pale orange flesh. ...

Cantaloupe - Hales Best

Hales Best Cantaloupe is a classic heirloom muskmelon.   It is a reliable heavily netted melon that produces a slightly ribbed  1.8-2.7 kg (4-6 lb) melon that is on average 17 cm (7”) long and 15...

Cantaloupe - Minnesota Midget

Minnesota Midget Cantaloupe is a compact cantaloupe that usually grows on 91-121 cm (3-4’) vines and produces between 6–8 super sweet, softball sized melons. You can even grow ‘Minnesota Midget’ in a larger container on...

Carrot - Atomic Red

With their striking red color, these carrots are sure to stir your curiosity.  Atomic Red carrots are an Imperator-type, cylindrical root that grow 20-28 cm (8-11”) long and 2 cm (¾”) wide at the shoulder....

Carrot - Cosmic Purple

Cosmic Purple carrot is a Danvers type carrot which averages between 15-20cm (6-8”) long.  The velvety purple roots are straight and smooth skinned with orange coreless flesh inside. Tops grow to about 40cm (16“) tall. ...

Carrot - Danvers 126

The Danvers 126 Carrot was introduced in 1947 and is adaptable and dependable.  It is a heat tolerant carrot variety that works in a wide range of soil types.  Danvers 126 is a stout and...

Carrot - Imperator

Imperator 58 carrot has been a standard for many years. It is a Danvers type carrot that is medium long 18-23cm (7-9") with broad shoulders that are 2.5cm (1 1/2") wide.  Imperator 58 is a fine...

Carrot - Little Fingers

Little Fingers is a baby gourmet carrot.  It is a quick maturing Nantes type carrot with smooth, golden orange skin, a crisp texture, and a tender core. The small carrot is 10-13 cm, (3-5") long...

Carrot - Lunar White

Lunar White is an "imperator type" carrot- (long and tappered). It is a beautiful creamy white carrot with light green shoulders and is nearly coreless.  They grow quite long, between 15-46cm (6-18") and are mostly...

Carrot - Rainbow Blend

A bright combination of colourful carrots including Atomic Red, Imperator, Cosmic Purple, Lunar White and Solar Yellow. All types are easy to grow and all 5 types are reliable producers. Carrots require little maintenance other than...

Carrot - Royal Chantenay

The Royal Chantenay Carrot was introduced in 1952 and is both adaptable and dependable.  It is a carrot variety that works in a wide range of both heavy clay and shallow soil types.  Royal Chantenay...

Carrot - Scarlet Nantes

This Heirloom variety has grown remarkably well in North American conditions for at least 50 years.  It is a tremendous carrot with strong tops, great flavour, texture and color.  Scarlet Nantes has cylindrical roots with...

Carrot - Solar Yellow

Solar Yellow carrot is a Danvers type carrot that produces a butter – yellow root that grows to an average of 15-18cm (6-7”) long.  It is originally from the Middle East and are said to...

Carrot - Sprint

Sprint is perhaps one of the earliest maturing carrot varieties available.  These bright orange carrots produce short, heavy and uniform roots that grow between 12.7- 15cm (5-6") long.   An ideal carrot type for cold frame...

Carrot - St Valery

St Valery (Daucus carota) is an imperator type carrot and is one of our favorite orange carrots to grow. This variety originates from France and produces delicious orange carrots that are 25-31cm (10-12") long. They...

Carrot - Tendersweet

Tendersweet carrot is an excellent variety for early and successive crops. Tendersweet produces long, reddish orange roots that average 22-25 cm (9-10”) long and 5 cm (2”) wide at the shoulder.  The roots taper down...


Approximately 1707 seeds per gramLot#CN02001Nepeta catariaIrresistible to cats and bees, it is a spreading, carefree joy in the flower bed.  It is too sprawling for a border plant.  Blooms all summer with fragrant flowers and...

Cauliflower - Amazing

“Waltham 29” Broccoli was developed in 1950.  It is a dwarf compact plant with a branching habit that grows to 45-61 cm (18-24”) high with a spread of 45-55 cm (18-20”) wide.  It is a reliable...

Cauliflower - Self Blanching

Self-Blanching Cauliflower is a flavorful heirloom variety that produces 12-20 cm (5-8"), pure white-ivory heads. It is a cool weather biennial that is an early maturing, high quality cauliflower. It is known for vigorous, rapid...

Cauliflower - Snowball Impr...

Snowball Improved Cauliflower is a biennial that is an early maturing, snow white, high quality cauliflower.  It is known for vigorous, rapid growth and long harvest.  Its head is snow-white and measures 12-20 cm, (5-8")...

Celery - Self Blanching

Golden Self-Blanching Celery is an heirloom variety from Europe. The plants are stocky, solid, thick, with the stalks that blanch easily. It is vigorous growing with upright medium green foliage. The roots are round, smooth...

Celery - Tall Utah 52-70

Tall Utah is a very dependable dark green celery that grows between 45-61 cm (18-24”) tall.  It is a compact plant with tightly folded hearts, and broad, thick, well-rounded stalks.  It holds its form and...


Roman Chamomile is a European herb with daisy-like flowers with white petals surrounding a yellow center that stands about 6 inches (15-16 cm) high. It blooms in spring and summer. It's main use is an...

Chervil - Vertassimo Brussels

Chervil Vertissimo is an annual that grows to about 61 cm (24") tall.  It has light green leaves that resemble finely cut parsley.  White flowers are produced on flat heads.  The leaves have a hint...

Chives - Common

This perennial member of the onion family is simple and easy to grow, returning year after year, and attracting bees and butterflies to its pretty pink blooms. Chives are an essential addition to the herb...

Chives - Garlic

This perennial member of the onion family is simple and easy to grow, returning year after year, and attracting bees and butterflies to its pretty pink blooms.   Garlic chives, native to China, are the smallest...

Cilantro - Rani

Rani Cilantro (Chinese parsley), is an annual herb whose seeds are also known as Coriander.   Rani is an outstanding Israeli variety developed to resist bolting (early flowering) in hot summer weather. The foliage is glossy and...

Cilantro - Santo

Grows to height of 45-61 cm (18-24").  The flower umbels are 5-10 cm (2-4") and a pale creamy white color, while the leaves are a rich, dark color. The parsley-like leaves are used in Latin...

Corn - Golden Bantam

Early Golden Bantam Corn is an old time favorite selected for its tenderness & sweet flavor. It is a fast maturing corn with stocks growing 1.5-2 m (5-6′) tall. Sweet golden yellow 15-19 cm, (6.5-7") ears, with 8...

Corn - Simonet

Simonet is a Canadian corn, which was developed by Rob Simonet of Edmonton in 1920.  It is a short season variety with short stalks growing only to 1.5m (5’) tall.  Simonet produces plump 15-16cm (6”)...

Cucamelon - Mexican Sour Gh...

Cucamelons are native to Mexico and Central America and are open-pollinated, grape-sized cucumber cousins. They are known as Mexican sour gherkins or mouse melons. They look like tiny watermelons (on the outside) and have a cucumber-lime...

Cucumber - Boston Pickling ...

The Boston Pickling Cucumber is an open pollinated heirloom that dates from 1880’s. It is a heavy yielding vine that produces numerous, small 7-18cm (3-7”) long smooth, crisp cucumbers that are perfect for making pickles.  Production...

Cucumber - Crystal Apple

An unusual heirloom cucumber variety that originates from the Australia – New Zealand area that was first introduce to North America in 1934.   Crystal Apple produces small round golf ball to half tennis ball sized greenish...

Cucumber - Marketmore 70

Marketmore 70 is a traditional American slicing variety.  Dark green 20 cm (8") fruits with a 5 cm (2") diameter grow on prolific vines that produce non-bitter cucumbers consistently until frost. It is a mid-season...

Cucumber - Marketmore 76

Marketmore 76 Cucumbers are a favorite slicer variety, dark green, smooth-skinned fruit grows to 20-23 cm, (8-9") in length.  The prolific vines produce non-bitter cucumbers consistently until frost. They deliver heavy yields all season and...

Cucumber - National Pickling

National Pickling Cucumbers are likely the most widely used pickling cucumbers. The plants are very prolific, producing dark green, 12-15 cm (5-6”) cylindrical fruits that have dark green with black spines, these cucumbers are delicious at...

Cucumber - Straight Eight

Straight Eight Cucumbers are very dependable at producing prolific crops. These cucumbers are smooth, straight, deep green, 15-20 cm (6-8") long and 5-6 cm (2½”) wide with rounded blunt ends.  Early, vigorous and prolific, it...

Cucumber - Wisconsin SMR 58

The Wisconsin SMR58 cucumber is an open pollinated variety that was developed at the University of Wisconsin in 1959.  Like many cucumber varieties, if you keep picking these ever-bearing varieties, they will keep producing fruit all...

Dill - Bouquet

Bouquet Dill  grows to 75-90 cm (30-36") tall, and produces  delicate, dark-green ferny foliage and  yellow, large, umbel-shaped flowers that average 15 cm (6") wide.  It is an early maturing variety.  It is easy to...
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