Tomato - Determinate

Tomato - Manitoba (DET)

Manitoba Tomato seeds produce vigorous determinate plants that thrive in cool climates with short seasons. An early producer with excellent yields, Manitoba Heirloom tomatoes were originally developed in the mid 1950’s.  Plants bear medium-large fruits...

Tomato - Italian Roma (DET)

An absolutely excellent heirloom tomato.  The Italian Roma produces firm, meaty, 7-15cm (3-6") oblong, plumb shaped fruits with few seeds on compact vines that are very productive. As a determinate type, most of the fruits...

Tomato - Tiny Tim (DET)

The "Tiny Tim" Tomato was first introduced in 1945.   It is a surprisingly small bushy determinate plant with deep green leaves.  It typically grows 20-40 (8-16″) tall and 17-30cm (6-12”) in diameter.  Tiny Tim produces...

Tomato - Coldset (DET)

One of the fastest tomatoes to set and mature to fruit. It has a superior cold tolerance and can be directly seeded into the garden and grow as long as soil temperature is around 18°C...

Tomato - Siberian (DET)

A great Russian heirloom variety. A determinate variety that is both compact, and sturdy. Plant is a regular leaf type and produces abundant clusters of 2-4oz., bright-red, 40mm (3-5”), oval to round, juicy fruits. Fantastic...

Tomato - Sub Arctic Plenty ...

Sub-Arctic Plenty is an early season tomato that is suitable for northern climates.  It is a bushy regular-leafed tomato plant.  It produces an abundance of 5-8 cm (2-3”) fruits in two sets on a strong...

Tomato - Czech's Bush (DET)

Originated from Czechoslovakia, Czech's bush is an extremely productive tomato that produces a terrific amount of tomatoes on a dwarf type, sturdy bush.  Although a determinate variety, you may need to fortify the tomato cage...

Tomato -Banana Legs (DET)

Banana Legs are a vigorous growing, determinate tomato.  They are extremely prolific, producing heavy yields of 5-10 cm (2-4") long fruits that ripen to a golden yellow. Very meaty, sweet flesh with very few seeds. ...

Tomato - Silvery Fir (DET)

Silvery Fir Tree tomato is a  delicate early season tomato. A determinate Russian variety which is famous for its unique, small delicate foliage and steady production of rich flavored medium sized scarlet red fruit between...

Tomato - Canabec Rouge (DET)

The Canabec Rouge is a determinate (bush) type tomato that originates from Quebec.  It is considered a mid-season tomato type. The plants are great producers of 5-6cm (2-3”) perfectly round, slightly oval fruit with slightly...

Tomato - Rutgers (DET)

The Rutgers Tomato was developed by crossing Marglobe with JTD.  Rutgers produces vibrant red, round tomato fruits on a strong, disease resistant vine. Tomatoes average 5-10 cm (2-4 ") across and 5-8 cm (2-3") high....

Tomato - 506 (DET)

  A great Russian heirloom variety. A determinate variety that is both compact, and sturdy. Plant is a regular leaf type and produces abundant clusters of 2-4oz., bright-red, 40mm (3-5”), oval to round, juicy fruits....

Tomato - Siletz (DET)

Siletz tomato is a vigorous, semi determinate variety that grows to 1.5 m (4.8’) tall with a 40-51 cm (16-20”) wide spread.  Staking and tying will be required to help support the plants’ heavy yields...

Tomato - Sasha's Altai (DET)

Sasha's Altai is an early season tomato.  It is a vigorous determinant tomato plant that produces good consistent yields of 141-170 gram (4-6 ounce) thinned-skinned, bright-red, slightly flattened, round tomatoes with a complex tomato taste....

Tomato - Basket Vee (DET)

Basket Vee is a determinate (bush) type tomato that has vigorous open vines which produces high yields of medium sized tomatoes (8-9 oz) that are globe shaped. They have thick flesh and are very flavorful....

Tomato - Starfire

Solanum lycoperisicum The Starfire tomato was developed at the Morden Research Station in Morden, MB and released in 1963.  Starfire has a vigorous determinate habit with regular leaf foliage.  Plants can grow 30-76cm (12-16) inches...
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