Squash - Spaghetti
Spaghetti Squash plants grow to 40-61 cm (16-24”) tall with trailing vines that can reach 1.2 m (4-8’) long. You can expect to grow 5-7 squash per plant that can weigh up to 3.1 kg...
Squash - Waltham Butternut ...
Waltham Butternut Squash was developed in the 1940’s and is likely the most widely grown butternut squash today. Plants are a vine type that can grow 43-91 cm (17-36”) tall. Vines can easily reach 1.8-2.7...
Squash - Burgess Buttercup
Burgess Buttercup Squash are known for their sweet nutty flavour. Squash grow on sturdy vining plants that grow to 50 cm (20”) high with vines reaching 4.6 m (15’) long. A single plant can produce...
Squash - Delicata
Also called the ‘Sweet Potato Squash”, the Delicata squash is a smaller cylindrical winter squash. The oblong shaped squash are 12-31 cm (5-12”) long and weigh between 0.5-1kg (1-2lbs) each. The cream-colored skin has green striations, and...
Squash - Early White Scallop
The Early White Scallop is a 400 year heirloom variety. This smooth skinned disk shaped squash is about 12-14cm (5-6”) in diameter with smooth scalloped edges & white-speckled green rinds. Creamy texture and nutty flavour...
Squash - Red Kuri
A strong, growing winter squash with Japanese origins. Loads of bright, orange-red, 2-5 lb fruits on long vines. These squashes are great for winter storage and last well into spring if they don’t get eaten...
Squash - Blue Hubbard
Blue Hubbard Squash plants grow to about 30-45 cm (12-18”) tall with long trailing vines that can reach 2.4-3.0 m (6-10’) long. You can expect to grow 3-5 squash per plant that can weigh 3.6-4.5...
Squash - Ebony Acorn
Ebony Acorn Squash produces a striking slightly ribbed dark green to black acorn type squash that is 15 cm by 12 cm (5” by 6”) and weighs about 1 kg (2 lbs). The solid squash...
Squash - Hopi Orange
A cultural addition to our food source from the Hopi. The Hopi orange is a large reddish-orange winter squash type that is an excellent keeper. The squash weigh between 4.5-6.8 kg (10-15lbs) when fully mature....
Squash - Sweet Dumpling
Sweet Dumpling are a unique looking squash with their squat compact shape and green & ivory colors. They are a very sweet, golden fleshed squash that average 10 cm (4”) in diameter and each weigh...
Squash - Table King
Table King (Bush) Squash are compact plants that grow 61 cm (24”) tall with a spread of 1-1.2 m (3-4’) wide. You can expect to grow 5-8 squash per plant that are 10 x 15...
Squash - Golden Hubbard
Golden Hubbard Squash grows to about 45 cm (18”) tall with vines that average 1.82 m (6’) long. You can expect to grow 3-5 squash per plant weighing 3.6-4.5 kg (8-10 lbs) each. The...
Squash - Vegetable Marrow
Vegetable Marrow is a semi bush with some vining. It produces pale yellow oval squash that may or may not have distinguishable ridges and can show some substantial differences in fruit coloration from very pale yellow...
Squash - Pennsylvanian Dutc...
A popular 19th century variety that is also called the “Neck Pumpkin” because of its long, flesh-filled neck. A great winter storage squash that can weigh as much as 9 kg (20lbs). The flesh is...
Squash - Early Golden Crook...
Early Golden Crookneck Squash is a vigorous growing plant that has a compact bush type habit, that grows 61-76 cm (24-30”) tall with a spread that varies from 61-101 cm (24-40”) wide. It produces abundant...
Squash - Guatemalan Blue
The Guatemalan Blue 'Banana' Squash has been grown by South Americans over 1000 years before Columbus. Elongated, slate blue fruits with lighter striping average 51 cm (20 ") in length and weigh 2.7- 4.5 kg...
Squash - Amish Pie
Amish Pie Squash plants grow to about 45-60 cm (18-24”) tall with long trailing vines that can reach 1.8 m (6’) long. You can expect to grow 3-8 squash per plant that can weigh 13-36...
Squash - Pink Banana Jumbo
The Pink Banana Jumbo Squash is an aggressive grower, producing an abundant amount of pinkish banana shaped squashes that have been known to get as big as 32.8 kg (70) pounds. On average, ours weighed...
Squash - Early Prolific Str...
The Early Prolific Straightneck is as the name suggests, ‘prolific’. A bush type variety of squash that has become the standard yellow, straight-necked type, early summer squash. Easy to grow and early to harvest. The...
Squash - Turks Turban
The Turks Turban is an heirloom squash that predates 1820. Today it remains a much talked about squash because of its shape and mixture of colours. Turks Turban produces excellent yields of 20-30cm (8-12”) mostly...
Squash - Blue Ballet
The Blue Ballet Squash is a much smaller version of the Blue Hubbard. The Blue Ballet produces tear drop shaped squashes that can weigh between 1-2.7kg (2½-6 lbs) each. You can expect to get 3-4...
Squash - Triamble
The Triamble or ‘Shamrock’ Squash (C. maxima) is an unusual open pollinated squash. It is a unique heirloom variety that originated from Australia in 1932. This light blue, sea-green squash is lobed like a three...
Squash - Table Queen
Table Queen Squash plants grow 25-35 cm (10-14”) tall with trailing vines that can reach 1.8-2.4 m (6-8’) long. You can expect to grow 3-8 squash per plant that are 10 x 15cm (5-6”) long...
Squash - New Zealand Blue
New Zealand Blue (Cucurbita maxima) is a winter squash type that can produce 4-6 squash per plant on vines that can achieve 8-10' long. The flesh is deep orange, fine grained and sweet. The striking...
Squash - Marina Di Chioggia
Marina Di Chioggia (Cucurbita maxima) is an old heirloom variety from Italy and they are fantastic to grow. The sprawing vines reach up to 18-25 feet long in some cases, so you will need some...
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