Cauliflower - Amazing
“Waltham 29” Broccoli was developed in 1950. It is a dwarf compact plant with a branching habit that grows to 45-61 cm (18-24”) high with a spread of 45-55 cm (18-20”) wide. It is a reliable...
Cauliflower - Snowball Impr...
Snowball Improved Cauliflower is a biennial that is an early maturing, snow white, high quality cauliflower. It is known for vigorous, rapid growth and long harvest. Its head is snow-white and measures 12-20 cm, (5-8")...
Cauliflower - Self Blanching
Self-Blanching Cauliflower is a flavorful heirloom variety that produces 12-20 cm (5-8"), pure white-ivory heads. It is a cool weather biennial that is an early maturing, high quality cauliflower. It is known for vigorous, rapid...
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