Beet - Detroit Dark Red
Detroit dark Red Beet was introduced in 1892, and this traditional favorite produces uniform medium sized 5-8 cm, (2-3") beets with dark red skins. Tasty, sweet and smooth it is a great storage beet that...
Beet - Cylindra
Cylindra Beet dates back to the 1880s. It is also known as the "Formanova", an heirloom beet from Denmark. It is surprisingly sweet for it size. It almost resembles the shape of an oversized carrot...
Beet - Early Wonder
Early Wonder Tall Top has been around since 1911. Tops are 40-45 cm, (16-18") leafy and emerald green. This variety is first to develop full-sized, smooth-skinned red roots that are wonderful for eating. Early Wonder...
Beet - Golden Grex
Golden Grex Beet is truly a wonderful beet which comes from breeder Alan Kapular. These beets are a colorful, bright, ruddy orange with tapered roots and creamy yellowish-white interiors. Many will have darker concentric interior yellow,...
Beet - Touchstone Gold
Touchstone is a fantastic, yellow, open pollinated beet that is considered the best yellow beet available today. Round, smooth, golden roots retain their color when cooked. Good uniform shape for an open pollinated beet. Buttery,...
Beet - Chioggia
Chioggia is a striking and colorful Italian heirloom beet variety that has been grown in home gardens since at least the 1840's. The beets have a light red, flattened globe-shaped root with colorful interior rings...
Beet - Bulls Blood
Bulls blood is a popular Heirloom variety of beet since the Victorian times. Like many other beets, Bulls Blood is a relatively low maintenance plant. It is primarily grown for its tender, sweet, deep red-burgundy...
Beet - Lutz Green Leaf
Lutz Green Leaf Beet has roots that are about 10-15 cm (4- 6") in diameter and can get much bigger without that woody taste or texture. Thin out to 10-15 cm (4-6") spacing to allow...
Beet - Sugar
Sugar Beet (Beta Vulgaris) The history of beet cultivation dates back to ancient times, as the plants were cultivated by the Greeks and the Romans. It was during the 1800s that sugar beets were cultivated...
Beet - Detroit Supreme
Early Wonder Tall Top has been around since 1911. Tops are 40-45 cm, (16-18") leafy and emerald green. This variety is first to develop full-sized, smooth-skinned red roots that are wonderful for eating. Early Wonder...
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