Acreage Garden

A larger-scale garden on a sizeable piece of land allows for the cultivation of a more extensive range of vegetables, flowers, and herbs, often incorporating permaculture principles or small-scale agriculture.

Sunlight: Full sun

Seeds: Corn, pumpkins, melons, beans, beets, tomatoes, squash, carrots, peppers, cucumbers, lettuce, celery

Lettuce - Parris Island cos...

Parris Island Cos Romaine Lettuce is an Heirloom Lettuce that is a popular dark-green strain of Cos lettuce. Parris Island forms 25-30 cm (10"-12”) heads of slightly savoyed, dark green leaves with a creamy yellow...

Beet - Detroit Dark Red

Detroit dark Red Beet was introduced in 1892, and this traditional favorite produces uniform medium sized 5-8 cm, (2-3") beets with dark red skins. Tasty, sweet and smooth it is a great storage beet that...

Lettuce - Buttercrunch

Buttercrunch Lettuce is one of the classic butterheads (Bibb type). Buttercrunch grows to an average height of 23-38 cm (9-15”) with a spread that averages about 15 cm (6”) wide.  A very good performer that forms a...

Corn - Golden Bantam

Early Golden Bantam Corn is an old time favorite selected for its tenderness & sweet flavor. It is a fast maturing corn with stocks growing 1.5-2 m (5-6′) tall. Sweet golden yellow 15-19 cm, (6.5-7") ears, with 8...

Cucumber - National Pickling

National Pickling Cucumbers are likely the most widely used pickling cucumbers. The plants are very prolific, producing dark green, 12-15 cm (5-6”) cylindrical fruits that have dark green with black spines, these cucumbers are delicious at...

Lettuce - Black Seeded Simpson

Black Seed Simpson Lettuce is a highly adaptable lettuce for continued plantings throughout the season. It quickly produces a full-sized, bright green open head with slightly crinkled leaves. A very popular baby leaf variety for...

Cucumber - Marketmore 76

Marketmore 76 Cucumbers are a favorite slicer variety, dark green, smooth-skinned fruit grows to 20-23 cm, (8-9") in length.  The prolific vines produce non-bitter cucumbers consistently until frost. They deliver heavy yields all season and...

Pepper - King of the North

King of the North Pepper is an early maturing pepper at 68-75 days from transplant. Plants grow in a sturdy bush habit reaching 41-51 cm (16-20”) tall with a 36-41 cm (14-16”) spread. Plants produce some great...

Squash - Spaghetti

Spaghetti Squash plants grow to 40-61 cm (16-24”) tall with trailing vines that can reach 1.2 m (4-8’) long.  You can expect to grow 5-7 squash per plant that can weigh up to 3.1 kg...

Cucumber - Straight Eight

Straight Eight Cucumbers are very dependable at producing prolific crops. These cucumbers are smooth, straight, deep green, 15-20 cm (6-8") long and 5-6 cm (2½”) wide with rounded blunt ends.  Early, vigorous and prolific, it...

Squash - Waltham Butternut ...

Waltham Butternut Squash was developed in the 1940’s and is likely the most widely grown butternut squash today.  Plants are a vine type that can grow 43-91 cm (17-36”) tall. Vines can easily reach 1.8-2.7...

Cucumber - Boston Pickling ...

The Boston Pickling Cucumber is an open pollinated heirloom that dates from 1880’s. It is a heavy yielding vine that produces numerous, small 7-18cm (3-7”) long smooth, crisp cucumbers that are perfect for making pickles.  Production...

Beet - Cylindra

Cylindra Beet dates back to the 1880s.  It is also known as the "Formanova", an heirloom beet from Denmark.   It is surprisingly sweet for it size. It almost resembles the shape of an oversized carrot...

Celery - Self Blanching

Golden Self-Blanching Celery is an heirloom variety from Europe. The plants are stocky, solid, thick, with the stalks that blanch easily. It is vigorous growing with upright medium green foliage. The roots are round, smooth...

Corn - Simonet

Simonet is a Canadian corn, which was developed by Rob Simonet of Edmonton in 1920.  It is a short season variety with short stalks growing only to 1.5m (5’) tall.  Simonet produces plump 15-16cm (6”)...

Beet - Early Wonder

Early Wonder Tall Top has been around since 1911.  Tops are 40-45 cm, (16-18") leafy and emerald green.  This variety is first to develop full-sized, smooth-skinned red roots that are wonderful for eating.  Early Wonder...

Pepper - Early Jalepeno

Early Jalapeno Pepper grows on a solid upright bush with an average height of 45- 66 cm (18-26") and a spread of 40-45 cm (16-18”) wide. The plant produces a prolific amount of dull white...

Watermelon - Sugar Baby

This is the classic heirloom icebox type watermelon dating back to 1959.  Sugar Baby has a thin, hard rind with distinct stripes that become almost black at maturity. The flesh is firm, sweet, almost orangey...

Beet - Golden Grex

Golden Grex Beet is truly a wonderful beet which comes from breeder Alan Kapular. These beets are a colorful, bright, ruddy orange with tapered roots and creamy yellowish-white interiors.  Many will have darker concentric interior yellow,...

Lettuce - Red Salad Bowl

This vigorous oak leave heirloom variety has bright burgundy red leaves that are deeply lobed, creating a full rosette with a typical green center. Great for baby leaf salad mixes. Red Salad Bowl is slow...

Beet - Touchstone Gold

Touchstone is a fantastic, yellow, open pollinated beet that is considered the best yellow beet available today. Round, smooth, golden roots retain their color when cooked. Good uniform shape for an open pollinated beet.  Buttery,...

Celery - Tall Utah 52-70

Tall Utah is a very dependable dark green celery that grows between 45-61 cm (18-24”) tall.  It is a compact plant with tightly folded hearts, and broad, thick, well-rounded stalks.  It holds its form and...

Pepper - Orange King Bell

The Orange King Bell Peppers grow on a sturdy compact plant that grows upright on a solid bush type habit that can reach as tall as 45-61 cm (18-24") in height with a spread that...

Pumpkin - Sugar Pie

Approximately 3-5 seeds per gramCucurbita pepoLot# PU31517Sugar Pie Pumpkins are the traditional pumpkin for making pumpkin pies. It is because of their sweet, fine grained, orange flesh which is often more firm and less stringy than...

Lettuce - Great Lakes 118

Great Lakes Lettuce produces a large crisp iceberg type head of lettuce. It has an excellent flavour,  making this a perfect selection for salads and sandwiches.  It has large to medium green cabbage-like heads with...

Cucumber - Marketmore 70

Marketmore 70 is a traditional American slicing variety.  Dark green 20 cm (8") fruits with a 5 cm (2") diameter grow on prolific vines that produce non-bitter cucumbers consistently until frost. It is a mid-season...

Tomato - Super Italian Past...

Super Italian Paste tomato is an Italian heriloom paste tomato which produces an abundant amount of reddish orange, 15 cm (6″), elongated, firm tomatoes that average about 283 g (10 ounce) each.  The flesh is thick...

Cantaloupe - Fast Break

Fast Break produces round-oval (1-2.2 kg) 2-5 pound melons that are slightly ribbed with a medium sutured net on a compact vine that can reach 152-213 cm (5-7').  Excellent flavor and sweet pale orange flesh. ...

Beet - Chioggia

Chioggia is a striking and colorful Italian heirloom beet variety that has been grown in home gardens since at least the 1840's.  The beets have a light red, flattened globe-shaped root with colorful interior rings...

Pepper - Yolo Wonder

Yolo Wonder pepper plants grow anywhere from 61-76 cm (24-30") tall with an average spread about 40-45 cm (16-18”) wide.  We provide additional support for most of our pepper plants, especially if they are prolific...

Tomato - Large Red Cherry (...

Large Red Cherry Tomato has vigorous indeterminate vines that grow to 122-183cm (4-6’) tall with a 50-61cm (20-24”) spread. These vines will need to be staked and tied to support the production of the 28g...

Watermelon - Blacktail Moun...

The Blacktail Mountain watermelon is one of the earliest watermelons to mature in our northern climate. The plant produces on average 6-8 solid dark green watermelons that are 20-23cm (8-9”) round and can weigh 1.3-5.4kg (3-12lbs)...

Pepper - Sunbright Yellow Bell

Sunbright Yellow Bell is a beautiful bright yellow bell pepper.   Plants are sturdy with a bush habit, growing 61-91cm (24-36") tall with a 45-76cm (18-30") spread.  Sunbright is a nice yielding pepper plant that produces...

Beet - Bulls Blood

Bulls blood is a popular Heirloom variety of beet since the Victorian times. Like many other beets, Bulls Blood is a relatively low maintenance plant.  It is primarily grown for its tender, sweet, deep red-burgundy...

Tomato - Peacevine Cherry (...

The Peacevine Cherry Tomato is a wild indeterminate variety that grows to 1-1.5m (40-60”) tall. It requires staking, pruning and tying if you have the time to tame this monster. It is a regular leaf plant that...

Cantaloupe - Hales Best

Hales Best Cantaloupe is a classic heirloom muskmelon.   It is a reliable heavily netted melon that produces a slightly ribbed  1.8-2.7 kg (4-6 lb) melon that is on average 17 cm (7”) long and 15...

Tomato - Black Cherry (IND)

The Black Cherry tomato is an indeterminate variety that requires staking and pruning to contain its’ sprawling habit. It is a regular-leaf tomato that exhibits exceptional and vigorous growth that can easily reach between 1.8-2.4 m...

Watermelon - Cream of Saska...

Ideal for short season locations, this rare heirloom is thought to have been brought to Canada at the turn of the century by Russian immigrants. Round fruits average 3-5.4 kg (6-12 lbs) each, but can...

Pepper - Sweet Salsa

The Sweet Salsa Pepper is a very sweet, flavorful, thick-fleshed pepper. It is a pimento style pepper, that is cone shaped and averages around 7-10 cm, (3-4") long x 5 cm (2") wide.  It is...

Beet - Lutz Green Leaf

Lutz Green Leaf Beet has roots that are about 10-15 cm (4- 6") in diameter and can get much bigger without that woody taste or texture.  Thin out to 10-15 cm (4-6") spacing to allow...

Tomato - BeefSteak (IND)

Beefsteak tomato is an heirloom classic.  It has vigorous indeterminate vines that grow to 122-183 cm (4-6’) tall with a 50-61 cm (20-24”) spread. The vines will need to be staked to hold the large...

Pumpkin - Cinderella

Approximately 3-5 seeds per gramCucurbita maximaLot# PU31514An heirloom from France; also sold as ‘Rouge Vif d’Etampes’, Cinderella Pumpkin has a vivid, red-orange, hard exterior, is deeply ridged with characteristic lobes, and has a softly flattened top. ...

Pumpkin - Spooky

Approximately 3-5 seeds per gramCucurbita pepoLot# PU31516A prolific, dark orange pumpkin, 15-17 cm (6-8") around, and averaging about 2.7-4.5 kg (6-10 lbs.) each.  Spookie Pumpkin is the result of a cross between Sugar Pie and Jack...

Squash - Burgess Buttercup

Burgess Buttercup Squash are known for their sweet nutty flavour. Squash grow on sturdy vining plants that grow to 50 cm (20”) high with vines reaching 4.6 m (15’) long.   A single plant can produce...

Watermelon - Crimson Sweet

Dark and light green-striped, 25 cm (10") x 30 cm (12"), blocky, oval fruits weigh in at 6.8-10 kg (15-25 pounds) each.  Crimson Sweet has sweet red flesh and averages about 1-2 fruits per plant...

Pepper - Emerald Giant

The Emerald Giant Pepper was developed in 1963.  It produces heavy yields of blocky thick walled dark green to red peppers that are 10-13 cm (4½-5”) long by 8-10 cm (3½-4”).  Peppers are crisp and...

Pepper - Jalapeno M

The Jalapeno M Pepper is likely the most used and most well known of the Jalapenos available today. They are easy to grow. Plants are sturdy and can grow to 60-90 cm (24-36″) in height...

Lettuce - Bridgemere

Bridgemere Lettuce is a deeply cut oak leaf lettuce type that grows to a mature height of 20 cm (7”).  It produces thick, bright green well lobed leaves that have a fine flavor and texture....

Pepper - Cayenne Long Thin Red

Long Thin Red Cayenne is one of the best known hot chili peppers.  It is a very productive plant that grows upright on a solid bush type habit and reaches about 45-66 cm (18-26") in...

Lettuce - Red Oak Leaf

This vigorous oak leave heirloom variety has bright burgundy red leaves that are deeply lobed, creating a full rosette with a typical green center. Great for baby leaf salad mixes. Red Oak Leaf is slow...
  • Showing 1 - 50 of 123 result