Raised Bed Garden
A type of garden featuring elevated garden beds, which provide better soil drainage, temperature control, and accessibility for planting and maintaining vegetables, flowers, and herbs. Consider also using trellises to train climbing or vining plants such as pole beans and cucumbers.
Sunlight: Full sun to partial shade (depending on bed placement)
Seeds: Swiss chard, kale, radishes, carrots, onions, bush beans, pole beans, cucumbers, beets, lettuce, peppers, determinate tomatoes or semi determinate.
Carrot - Scarlet Nantes
This Heirloom variety has grown remarkably well in North American conditions for at least 50 years. It is a tremendous carrot with strong tops, great flavour, texture and color. Scarlet Nantes has cylindrical roots with...
Carrot - Rainbow Blend
A bright combination of colourful carrots including Atomic Red, Imperator, Cosmic Purple, Lunar White and Solar Yellow. All types are easy to grow and all 5 types are reliable producers. Carrots require little maintenance other than...
Beet - Detroit Dark Red
Detroit dark Red Beet was introduced in 1892, and this traditional favorite produces uniform medium sized 5-8 cm, (2-3") beets with dark red skins. Tasty, sweet and smooth it is a great storage beet that...
Carrot - Tendersweet
Tendersweet carrot is an excellent variety for early and successive crops. Tendersweet produces long, reddish orange roots that average 22-25 cm (9-10”) long and 5 cm (2”) wide at the shoulder. The roots taper down...
Cucumber - National Pickling
National Pickling Cucumbers are likely the most widely used pickling cucumbers. The plants are very prolific, producing dark green, 12-15 cm (5-6”) cylindrical fruits that have dark green with black spines, these cucumbers are delicious at...
Onion - Early Yellow Globe
The Early Yellow globe onion is considered a long day onion type. This is a fine, blocky, globe shaped onion with a beautiful straw yellow and white color. It has firm white flesh that is popular...
Cucumber - Marketmore 76
Marketmore 76 Cucumbers are a favorite slicer variety, dark green, smooth-skinned fruit grows to 20-23 cm, (8-9") in length. The prolific vines produce non-bitter cucumbers consistently until frost. They deliver heavy yields all season and...
Cucumber - Straight Eight
Straight Eight Cucumbers are very dependable at producing prolific crops. These cucumbers are smooth, straight, deep green, 15-20 cm (6-8") long and 5-6 cm (2½”) wide with rounded blunt ends. Early, vigorous and prolific, it...
Swiss Chard - Bright Lights
Swiss chard is a leafy green vegetable that is a member of the beet family. It is easy to grow and is prized for its colorful stems and leaves, which are both edible. Growing...
Cucumber - Boston Pickling ...
The Boston Pickling Cucumber is an open pollinated heirloom that dates from 1880’s. It is a heavy yielding vine that produces numerous, small 7-18cm (3-7”) long smooth, crisp cucumbers that are perfect for making pickles. Production...
Beet - Cylindra
Cylindra Beet dates back to the 1880s. It is also known as the "Formanova", an heirloom beet from Denmark. It is surprisingly sweet for it size. It almost resembles the shape of an oversized carrot...
Radish - Cherry Belle
One of the most popular radish varieties used in gardening today. Cherry Belle Radish excels in early spring and fall and is good for cold frame growing as well. Cherry Belle Radishes produce bright red,...
Beet - Early Wonder
Early Wonder Tall Top has been around since 1911. Tops are 40-45 cm, (16-18") leafy and emerald green. This variety is first to develop full-sized, smooth-skinned red roots that are wonderful for eating. Early Wonder...
Tomato - Manitoba (DET)
Manitoba Tomato seeds produce vigorous determinate plants that thrive in cool climates with short seasons. An early producer with excellent yields, Manitoba Heirloom tomatoes were originally developed in the mid 1950’s. Plants bear medium-large fruits...
Pepper - Early Jalepeno
Early Jalapeno Pepper grows on a solid upright bush with an average height of 45- 66 cm (18-26") and a spread of 40-45 cm (16-18”) wide. The plant produces a prolific amount of dull white...
Onion - Sweet Spanish Utah
The Sweet Spanish Yellow Utah onion is considered a long day type. Large bulbs sometimes weigh 0.45 kg (1 lb) or more. Skin is a straw brown and the flesh is white. A very popular onion for...
Kale - Black Magic (Dinosaur)
Dinosaur Kale has many names (Black Magic, Tuscan Kale, Flat Black Cabbage, Heirloom Kale and Lacinato Heirloom Kale). Whatever the name , it is an absolutely stunning plant. “Dinosaur” is an extremely vigorous and cold hardy plant...
Onion - White Sweet Spanish
The Sweet Spanish White is considered a long-day type onion which is best suited for growing in northern climates such as Canada. They produce large, globe-shaped bulbs with white skin, fine flesh and excellent flavor....
Beet - Golden Grex
Golden Grex Beet is truly a wonderful beet which comes from breeder Alan Kapular. These beets are a colorful, bright, ruddy orange with tapered roots and creamy yellowish-white interiors. Many will have darker concentric interior yellow,...
Kale - Siberian Dwarf
Siberian Dwarf Kale is an extremely vigorous and a cold hardy plant that can withstand light frost. It is an early variety of Kale that produces high yields of lightly crumpled deep green foliage. Leaves are crunchy...
Swiss Chard - Ruby Red
Swiss chard is a leafy green vegetable that is a member of the beet family. It is easy to grow and is prized for its colorful stems and leaves, which are both edible. Growing...
Beet - Touchstone Gold
Touchstone is a fantastic, yellow, open pollinated beet that is considered the best yellow beet available today. Round, smooth, golden roots retain their color when cooked. Good uniform shape for an open pollinated beet. Buttery,...
Tomato - Italian Roma (DET)
An absolutely excellent heirloom tomato. The Italian Roma produces firm, meaty, 7-15cm (3-6") oblong, plumb shaped fruits with few seeds on compact vines that are very productive. As a determinate type, most of the fruits...
Carrot - Little Fingers
Little Fingers is a baby gourmet carrot. It is a quick maturing Nantes type carrot with smooth, golden orange skin, a crisp texture, and a tender core. The small carrot is 10-13 cm, (3-5") long...
Cucumber - Marketmore 70
Marketmore 70 is a traditional American slicing variety. Dark green 20 cm (8") fruits with a 5 cm (2") diameter grow on prolific vines that produce non-bitter cucumbers consistently until frost. It is a mid-season...
Tomato - Tiny Tim (DET)
The "Tiny Tim" Tomato was first introduced in 1945. It is a surprisingly small bushy determinate plant with deep green leaves. It typically grows 20-40 (8-16″) tall and 17-30cm (6-12”) in diameter. Tiny Tim produces...
Beet - Chioggia
Chioggia is a striking and colorful Italian heirloom beet variety that has been grown in home gardens since at least the 1840's. The beets have a light red, flattened globe-shaped root with colorful interior rings...
Rhubarb - Victoria
Victoria Rhubarb is a very popular ‘forcing’ type of rhubarb that first appeared in England in 1837. It is considered to be the oldest existing rhubarb variety available today. It was introduced by Joseph Myatt...
Carrot - Danvers 126
The Danvers 126 Carrot was introduced in 1947 and is adaptable and dependable. It is a heat tolerant carrot variety that works in a wide range of soil types. Danvers 126 is a stout and...
Beet - Bulls Blood
Bulls blood is a popular Heirloom variety of beet since the Victorian times. Like many other beets, Bulls Blood is a relatively low maintenance plant. It is primarily grown for its tender, sweet, deep red-burgundy...
Kale - Dwarf Blue Curled
Featuring beautiful finely curled, blue-green leaves, these hardy plants will maintain their color even in severely cold temperatures. They are an excellent kale variety and will overwinter under mulch in many growing zones. Growing...
Tomato - Coldset (DET)
One of the fastest tomatoes to set and mature to fruit. It has a superior cold tolerance and can be directly seeded into the garden and grow as long as soil temperature is around 18°C...
Radish - Raxe
Raxe Radish is a large round, red bunching type of radish. This German variety grows to at least 3 times the size of Cherry Belle Radish and they resist becoming fibrous and woody unlike other...
Kale - Russian Red
Beautiful purple-veined, blue-green leaves tinged with reddish-purple. Frilly leaf margins resemble oak leaves that have a mild sweet flavor. Red Russian Kale is a vigorous plant that can grow 46-91 cm (18-36") tall and achieve...
Carrot - Imperator
Imperator 58 carrot has been a standard for many years. It is a Danvers type carrot that is medium long 18-23cm (7-9") with broad shoulders that are 2.5cm (1 1/2") wide. Imperator 58 is a fine...
Carrot - Royal Chantenay
The Royal Chantenay Carrot was introduced in 1952 and is both adaptable and dependable. It is a carrot variety that works in a wide range of both heavy clay and shallow soil types. Royal Chantenay...
Radish - French Breakfast
The French Breakfast radish is an heirloom variety that has been grown since at least the late 1870's. French breakfast produces an oblong radish that is approximately 7-8 cm (3”) long and 2 cm (¾-1”)...
Carrot - Cosmic Purple
Cosmic Purple carrot is a Danvers type carrot which averages between 15-20cm (6-8”) long. The velvety purple roots are straight and smooth skinned with orange coreless flesh inside. Tops grow to about 40cm (16“) tall. ...
Carrot - Atomic Red
With their striking red color, these carrots are sure to stir your curiosity. Atomic Red carrots are an Imperator-type, cylindrical root that grow 20-28 cm (8-11”) long and 2 cm (¾”) wide at the shoulder....
Kale - Premier
Premier Kale is an extremely vigorous and cold hardy plant that can withstand light frost. Premier is an early variety of Kale that produces high yields of deep green foliage with large scalloped leaves up to...
Tomato - Siberian (DET)
A great Russian heirloom variety. A determinate variety that is both compact, and sturdy. Plant is a regular leaf type and produces abundant clusters of 2-4oz., bright-red, 40mm (3-5”), oval to round, juicy fruits. Fantastic...
Beet - Lutz Green Leaf
Lutz Green Leaf Beet has roots that are about 10-15 cm (4- 6") in diameter and can get much bigger without that woody taste or texture. Thin out to 10-15 cm (4-6") spacing to allow...
Swiss Chard - Lucullus
Swiss chard is a leafy green vegetable that is a member of the beet family. It is easy to grow and is prized for its colorful stems and leaves, which are both edible. Growing...
Radish - Easter Egg
Easter Egg Radish is a blend of all the radish colours available. They all grow at about the same rate and are all white inside but the skin colours are white, red, or purple. The roots...
Tomato - Sub Arctic Plenty ...
Sub-Arctic Plenty is an early season tomato that is suitable for northern climates. It is a bushy regular-leafed tomato plant. It produces an abundance of 5-8 cm (2-3”) fruits in two sets on a strong...
Bean - Kentucky Wonder Pole
(Phaseolus vulgaris) The Kentucky Wonder Pole Bean also knows as “Old Homestead” & “Texas Pole” is one of the oldest and most widely used bean varieties ever grown. It is a dependable variety that produces...
Carrot - Solar Yellow
Solar Yellow carrot is a Danvers type carrot that produces a butter – yellow root that grows to an average of 15-18cm (6-7”) long. It is originally from the Middle East and are said to...
Onion - Southport White Globe
The Southport White Globe onion is considered a long day type. It is also known as ‘Silver Ball and ‘White Rocca’. It produces medium sized bulbs that average around 156 grams (5.5 ounces). It is a...
Pepper - Jalapeno M
The Jalapeno M Pepper is likely the most used and most well known of the Jalapenos available today. They are easy to grow. Plants are sturdy and can grow to 60-90 cm (24-36″) in height...
Pepper - Cayenne Long Thin Red
Long Thin Red Cayenne is one of the best known hot chili peppers. It is a very productive plant that grows upright on a solid bush type habit and reaches about 45-66 cm (18-26") in...