Bingo Pole Bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) is a classic in Italian beans. It is a highly sought after Borlotto-type pole bean. They will need a fence to climb as they can easily reach up to 1.8-2.4m (6) feet tall. They are quite prolific and are easy to harvest. Vines produce large thick pods that are a creamy green and streaked in bright pinkish red, growing 12-18 cm (5-7) inches long and 1.3 cm (½) inch wide. The dried bean has the same cream color with red streaks and a delicious hearty flavor. This bean tastes amazing in soups or traditional Italian recipes. Days to Harvest: 80 days green, 95 days dry.
Direct sow seeds after the last frost, when soil temperatures have reached at least 16°C (60°F). Select a location that receives full sun. Plant pole beans near a trellis, fence or other support structure that is at least 1.8-2.4m (6-8ft) tall. Sow seeds 2.5-5cm (1-2”) deep, spaced 8-15cm (3-6”) apart at the base of the support structure. Keep soil evenly moist to promote germination. Seeds should sprout in 7-10 days. As the plants grow, train them to climb the support structure. Pole beans prefer well-drained soil that is fertile and has a pH between 6.0 and 7.5. Fertilize with a balanced fertilizer before planting and again after the first flowers appear. Pole beans can be harvested when the pods are fully developed, but still young and tender. Harvest regularly to encourage more production. Pole beans typically reach maturity in 80-95 days depending on climate conditions.