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Carrot - Scarlet Nantes

This Heirloom variety has grown remarkably well in North American conditions for at least 50 years.  It is a tremendous carrot with strong tops, great flavour, texture and color.  Scarlet Nantes has cylindrical roots with...

Pea - Super Sugar Snap

Super Sugar Snap produces #1 quality, medium dark green 3-4” (7.6-10 cm) long pods. It is one of our many favorites for taste and tenderness.  A very heavy producer with plump 4" pods.  The vines...

Carrot - Rainbow Blend

A bright combination of colourful carrots including Atomic Red, Imperator, Cosmic Purple, Lunar White and Solar Yellow. All types are easy to grow and all 5 types are reliable producers. Carrots require little maintenance other than...

Lettuce - Parris Island cos...

Parris Island Cos Romaine Lettuce is an Heirloom Lettuce that is a popular dark-green strain of Cos lettuce. Parris Island forms 25-30 cm (10"-12”) heads of slightly savoyed, dark green leaves with a creamy yellow...

Pea - Green Arrow

This shorter 61-76 cm (24-30") variety prefers cooler weather and produces heavy yields of slim, 10 cm (4"), dark green pods that contain 8-11 peas of superb quality for fresh eating, freezing, cooking, or canning....

Lettuce - Buttercrunch

Buttercrunch Lettuce is one of the classic butterheads (Bibb type). Buttercrunch grows to an average height of 23-38 cm (9-15”) with a spread that averages about 15 cm (6”) wide.  A very good performer that forms a...

Bean - Provider Bush

Aproximately 2-4 seeds per gram  Phaseolus vulgaris Lot# BB23028 Provider Bush is a very popular and reliable early bush bean (50 days).  A very widely adapted, stress-tolerant variety with good disease resistance.  The plants are compact with a...

Basil - Sweet

Sweet Basil is a large, woody, leafy annual that is quite vigorous. It grows large glossy leaves with spikes of white flowers. Basil leaves are used in cooking, imparting their anise (licorice) flavor to dishes. This Basil...

Pepper - King of the North

King of the North Pepper is an early maturing pepper at 68-75 days from transplant. Plants grow in a sturdy bush habit reaching 41-51 cm (16-20”) tall with a 36-41 cm (14-16”) spread. Plants produce some great...

Squash - Waltham Butternut ...

Waltham Butternut Squash was developed in the 1940’s and is likely the most widely grown butternut squash today.  Plants are a vine type that can grow 43-91 cm (17-36”) tall. Vines can easily reach 1.8-2.7...

Pumpkin - Sugar Pie

Approximately 3-5 seeds per gramCucurbita pepoLot# PU31517Sugar Pie Pumpkins are the traditional pumpkin for making pumpkin pies. It is because of their sweet, fine grained, orange flesh which is often more firm and less stringy than...

Cantaloupe - Hales Best

Hales Best Cantaloupe is a classic heirloom muskmelon.   It is a reliable heavily netted melon that produces a slightly ribbed  1.8-2.7 kg (4-6 lb) melon that is on average 17 cm (7”) long and 15...

Pepper - Sweet Salsa

The Sweet Salsa Pepper is a very sweet, flavorful, thick-fleshed pepper. It is a pimento style pepper, that is cone shaped and averages around 7-10 cm, (3-4") long x 5 cm (2") wide.  It is...

Onion - Walla Walla

The Walla Walla onion is considered a long day onion (long-day onions need about 14 to 15 hours of daylight to bulb-short-day onions need 10 hours of daylight). The Walla Walla onion is a medium...

Pepper - Corno Di Toro

Corno di Toro (Bulls Horn Pepper) is an Italian Heirloom.  It produces an abundant amount of sweet shiny peppers that curve slightly resembling the shape of a bull’s horn.  Peppers start off green and mature...
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