Backyard Garden
A traditional garden is located in the backyard of a home, where homeowners can grow a variety of vegetables, flowers, and herbs in dedicated beds or containers.
Sunlight: Full sun to partial shade (depending on yard orientation)
Seeds: Tomatoes, zucchini, peppers, carrots, cucumbers, snap peas, sunflowers, lavender
Carrot - Scarlet Nantes
This Heirloom variety has grown remarkably well in North American conditions for at least 50 years. It is a tremendous carrot with strong tops, great flavour, texture and color. Scarlet Nantes has cylindrical roots with...
Zucchini - Black Beauty
Black Beauty Zucchini is considered the standard summer squash. It was introduced in the 1920s. Large bush plants are non-vining and grow on a semi upright open habit that can reach 45-61 cm (18-24”) tall...
Carrot - Rainbow Blend
A bright combination of colourful carrots including Atomic Red, Imperator, Cosmic Purple, Lunar White and Solar Yellow. All types are easy to grow and all 5 types are reliable producers. Carrots require little maintenance other than...
Carrot - Tendersweet
Tendersweet carrot is an excellent variety for early and successive crops. Tendersweet produces long, reddish orange roots that average 22-25 cm (9-10”) long and 5 cm (2”) wide at the shoulder. The roots taper down...
Cucumber - National Pickling
National Pickling Cucumbers are likely the most widely used pickling cucumbers. The plants are very prolific, producing dark green, 12-15 cm (5-6”) cylindrical fruits that have dark green with black spines, these cucumbers are delicious at...
Cucumber - Marketmore 76
Marketmore 76 Cucumbers are a favorite slicer variety, dark green, smooth-skinned fruit grows to 20-23 cm, (8-9") in length. The prolific vines produce non-bitter cucumbers consistently until frost. They deliver heavy yields all season and...
Cucumber - Straight Eight
Straight Eight Cucumbers are very dependable at producing prolific crops. These cucumbers are smooth, straight, deep green, 15-20 cm (6-8") long and 5-6 cm (2½”) wide with rounded blunt ends. Early, vigorous and prolific, it...
Cucumber - Boston Pickling ...
The Boston Pickling Cucumber is an open pollinated heirloom that dates from 1880’s. It is a heavy yielding vine that produces numerous, small 7-18cm (3-7”) long smooth, crisp cucumbers that are perfect for making pickles. Production...
Zucchini - Golden
This dazzling zucchini produces an abundance of bright golden-yellow fruits on a vigorous compact bush type plant that grows 45-91 cm (18-36”) tall with a spread that is 45 cm (18”) wide. They are perfect...
Carrot - Little Fingers
Little Fingers is a baby gourmet carrot. It is a quick maturing Nantes type carrot with smooth, golden orange skin, a crisp texture, and a tender core. The small carrot is 10-13 cm, (3-5") long...
Cucumber - Marketmore 70
Marketmore 70 is a traditional American slicing variety. Dark green 20 cm (8") fruits with a 5 cm (2") diameter grow on prolific vines that produce non-bitter cucumbers consistently until frost. It is a mid-season...
Carrot - Danvers 126
The Danvers 126 Carrot was introduced in 1947 and is adaptable and dependable. It is a heat tolerant carrot variety that works in a wide range of soil types. Danvers 126 is a stout and...
Zucchini - Cocozelle
Cocozelle Zucchini (summer squash) is the classic ‘Italian heirloom’ striped summer squash. It has been available since 1885. Large bush plants are non-vining and grow on a semi upright open habit that can reach 45-61cm...
Carrot - Royal Chantenay
The Royal Chantenay Carrot was introduced in 1952 and is both adaptable and dependable. It is a carrot variety that works in a wide range of both heavy clay and shallow soil types. Royal Chantenay...
Carrot - Imperator
Imperator 58 carrot has been a standard for many years. It is a Danvers type carrot that is medium long 18-23cm (7-9") with broad shoulders that are 2.5cm (1 1/2") wide. Imperator 58 is a fine...
Carrot - Cosmic Purple
Cosmic Purple carrot is a Danvers type carrot which averages between 15-20cm (6-8”) long. The velvety purple roots are straight and smooth skinned with orange coreless flesh inside. Tops grow to about 40cm (16“) tall. ...
Carrot - Atomic Red
With their striking red color, these carrots are sure to stir your curiosity. Atomic Red carrots are an Imperator-type, cylindrical root that grow 20-28 cm (8-11”) long and 2 cm (¾”) wide at the shoulder....
Carrot - Solar Yellow
Solar Yellow carrot is a Danvers type carrot that produces a butter – yellow root that grows to an average of 15-18cm (6-7”) long. It is originally from the Middle East and are said to...
Cucumber - Crystal Apple
An unusual heirloom cucumber variety that originates from the Australia – New Zealand area that was first introduce to North America in 1934. Crystal Apple produces small round golf ball to half tennis ball sized greenish...
Cucumber - Wisconsin SMR 58
The Wisconsin SMR58 cucumber is an open pollinated variety that was developed at the University of Wisconsin in 1959. Like many cucumber varieties, if you keep picking these ever-bearing varieties, they will keep producing fruit all...
Zucchini - Round
Round Zucchini is an impressive plant with speckled green leaves born on a vigorous bush-type plant. They are super-fast growing and are generally eaten when they are 7-10 cm (3-4”) in diameter. Fruits go from...
Carrot - St Valery
St Valery (Daucus carota) is an imperator type carrot and is one of our favorite orange carrots to grow. This variety originates from France and produces delicious orange carrots that are 25-31cm (10-12") long. They...
Carrot - Sprint
Sprint is perhaps one of the earliest maturing carrot varieties available. These bright orange carrots produce short, heavy and uniform roots that grow between 12.7- 15cm (5-6") long. An ideal carrot type for cold frame...
Carrot - Lunar White
Lunar White is an "imperator type" carrot- (long and tappered). It is a beautiful creamy white carrot with light green shoulders and is nearly coreless. They grow quite long, between 15-46cm (6-18") and are mostly...
Showing 1 - 24 of 24 result