Prepper Garden
A garden designed with self-sustainability and emergency preparedness in mind, often including crops that provide high yield, are nutrient-dense and can be preserved for long-term storage. This type of garden is typically cultivated with practices that enhance resilience, such as rainwater harvesting, composting, and maintaining a variety of heirloom seeds.
Sunlight: Full sun to partial shade (depending on crop requirements)
Seeds: Beans, squash, tomatoes, corn, kale, onions, sunflowers
Corn - Golden Bantam
Early Golden Bantam Corn is an old time favorite selected for its tenderness & sweet flavor. It is a fast maturing corn with stocks growing 1.5-2 m (5-6′) tall. Sweet golden yellow 15-19 cm, (6.5-7") ears, with 8...
Bean - Provider Bush
Aproximately 2-4 seeds per gram Phaseolus vulgaris Lot# BB23028 Provider Bush is a very popular and reliable early bush bean (50 days). A very widely adapted, stress-tolerant variety with good disease resistance. The plants are compact with a...
Onion - Early Yellow Globe
The Early Yellow globe onion is considered a long day onion type. This is a fine, blocky, globe shaped onion with a beautiful straw yellow and white color. It has firm white flesh that is popular...
Squash - Spaghetti
Spaghetti Squash plants grow to 40-61 cm (16-24”) tall with trailing vines that can reach 1.2 m (4-8’) long. You can expect to grow 5-7 squash per plant that can weigh up to 3.1 kg...
Squash - Waltham Butternut ...
Waltham Butternut Squash was developed in the 1940’s and is likely the most widely grown butternut squash today. Plants are a vine type that can grow 43-91 cm (17-36”) tall. Vines can easily reach 1.8-2.7...
Corn - Simonet
Simonet is a Canadian corn, which was developed by Rob Simonet of Edmonton in 1920. It is a short season variety with short stalks growing only to 1.5m (5’) tall. Simonet produces plump 15-16cm (6”)...
Kale - Black Magic (Dinosaur)
Dinosaur Kale has many names (Black Magic, Tuscan Kale, Flat Black Cabbage, Heirloom Kale and Lacinato Heirloom Kale). Whatever the name , it is an absolutely stunning plant. “Dinosaur” is an extremely vigorous and cold hardy plant...
Onion - Sweet Spanish Utah
The Sweet Spanish Yellow Utah onion is considered a long day type. Large bulbs sometimes weigh 0.45 kg (1 lb) or more. Skin is a straw brown and the flesh is white. A very popular onion for...
Onion - White Sweet Spanish
The Sweet Spanish White is considered a long-day type onion which is best suited for growing in northern climates such as Canada. They produce large, globe-shaped bulbs with white skin, fine flesh and excellent flavor....
Bean - Gold Rush Wax
Approximately 3-4 seeds per gram.Phaseolus vulgarisLot# BB23017Gold Rush produces early yellow wax beans that are 12-15 cm (5-6”) long.They are slender straight yellow pods that hang in clusters on strong compact dark green bushy plants. Average plant...
Kale - Siberian Dwarf
Siberian Dwarf Kale is an extremely vigorous and a cold hardy plant that can withstand light frost. It is an early variety of Kale that produces high yields of lightly crumpled deep green foliage. Leaves are crunchy...
Bean - Golden Wax
Approximately 2-4 seeds per gram. Phaseolus vulgaris Lot# BD23020 One of the oldest known wax beans. Golden Wax was first introduced sometime around 1871. There have been many variations over the years, but Golden Wax was also...
Bean - Blue Lake Bush
(Phaseolus vulgaris) Blue Lake bush bean is an old time favorite that is dependable and produces delicious tasting beans. Plants are compact bushes around 40-45 cm (16-18") tall with a spread that averages 30-40 cm...
Kale - Dwarf Blue Curled
Featuring beautiful finely curled, blue-green leaves, these hardy plants will maintain their color even in severely cold temperatures. They are an excellent kale variety and will overwinter under mulch in many growing zones. Growing...
Kale - Russian Red
Beautiful purple-veined, blue-green leaves tinged with reddish-purple. Frilly leaf margins resemble oak leaves that have a mild sweet flavor. Red Russian Kale is a vigorous plant that can grow 46-91 cm (18-36") tall and achieve...
Kale - Premier
Premier Kale is an extremely vigorous and cold hardy plant that can withstand light frost. Premier is an early variety of Kale that produces high yields of deep green foliage with large scalloped leaves up to...
Bean - Royal Burgundy Bush
Approximately 3-4 seeds per gram. Phaseolus vulgaris Lot# B23032 Royal Burgundy bush bean produces amazingly purple-violet colored beans that grow on sturdy compact bush plants that can grow upwards to 40-51 cm (16-20") tall with a spread...
Bean - Purple Peacock Pole
Approximately 2-3 seeds per gram. Phaseolus vulgaris LOT#BP23215 A stunning and delicious purple pole bean that was discovered in the 1930's in the Ozark Mountains. Climbing vines grow to 1.8-2.0m (6-7’) tall and they require vertical...
Bean - Kentucky Wonder Pole
(Phaseolus vulgaris) The Kentucky Wonder Pole Bean also knows as “Old Homestead” & “Texas Pole” is one of the oldest and most widely used bean varieties ever grown. It is a dependable variety that produces...
Squash - Burgess Buttercup
Burgess Buttercup Squash are known for their sweet nutty flavour. Squash grow on sturdy vining plants that grow to 50 cm (20”) high with vines reaching 4.6 m (15’) long. A single plant can produce...
Onion - Southport White Globe
The Southport White Globe onion is considered a long day type. It is also known as ‘Silver Ball and ‘White Rocca’. It produces medium sized bulbs that average around 156 grams (5.5 ounces). It is a...
Bean - Carson Bush
(Phaseolus vulgaris) Carson bush bean is a high yielding yellow wax bean that produces early yellow wax bean that are 13 cm (5¼”) long. Pods are slender straight yellow pods that hang in clusters on strong compact...
Bean - Tenderette
Approximately 4 - 5 seeds per gram.(Phaseolus vulgaris)Lot#BD23038The Tenderette bean is an old heirloom with some historians fixing the date as far back as 8,000 BC. The bush plant grows to 45-61cm (18-24”) in height with...
Onion - Red of Florence
The Red of Florence onion is considered a long day type. It produces a beautiful long bottle or spindle shaped bulb that is about 10-15 cm (4-6”) long and a very attractive purple red color. It...
Bean - Black Turtle Dry
(Phaseolus vulgaris) Black Turtle Bean is an old heirloom variety that was introduced in the late 1700's. Dry pods have beautiful, vivid jet black plump seeds. The bush variety bean are heat resistant, and have a...
Squash - Delicata
Also called the ‘Sweet Potato Squash”, the Delicata squash is a smaller cylindrical winter squash. The oblong shaped squash are 12-31 cm (5-12”) long and weigh between 0.5-1kg (1-2lbs) each. The cream-colored skin has green striations, and...
Bean - Light Red Kidney
Approximately 2 seeds per gram.Phaseolus vulgarisLot#BD23117An early, light red kidney bean with good flavor. Excellent for chili, bean salads, and soups. Exceptional culinary quality, with silky texture and thin skin. Plants grow to medium size that...
Bean - Orca
Approximately 3 - 5 seeds per gram.Phaseolus vulgarisLot#BD2310780 – 100 days for dry beans. Open Pollinated. Bush type plant produces good yields of beans. Excellent choice for home gardens. The Orca bean is also known as...
Squash - Early White Scallop
The Early White Scallop is a 400 year heirloom variety. This smooth skinned disk shaped squash is about 12-14cm (5-6”) in diameter with smooth scalloped edges & white-speckled green rinds. Creamy texture and nutty flavour...
Bean - Slenderette
Approximately 4-5 seeds per gram.Phaseolus vulgarisLOT#BB23033The Slenderette Bush Bean comes from Twin Falls, Idaho and was first introduced in 1968. It produces excellent yields of dark green, slender, stringless pods that are 13 cm (5”) long. ...
Bean - Blue Lake Pole
(Phaseolus vulgaris) The Blue Lake Pole Bean produces heavy yields of meaty but very tender, medium size, 18 cm (7") straight, dark green pods. Good used fresh but renowned for their canning and freezing qualities....
Bean - Contender Bush
(Phaseolus vulgaris) Contender is an early bush bean that is reliable, heavy yielding, and considered by many to be the earliest producing bean at an amazing 45-55 days. Contender bean is perfect for short, cool...
Squash - Red Kuri
A strong, growing winter squash with Japanese origins. Loads of bright, orange-red, 2-5 lb fruits on long vines. These squashes are great for winter storage and last well into spring if they don’t get eaten...
Bean - Strike
(Phaseolus vulgaris)Strike Bush Bean sets the standard for earliness. It grows a sturdy bush plant between 30-45 cm (12-18”) tall and 36-45 cm (14-18”) wide. The plant produces heavy yields of straight 12-14cm (5-5½ ")...
Squash - Blue Hubbard
Blue Hubbard Squash plants grow to about 30-45 cm (12-18”) tall with long trailing vines that can reach 2.4-3.0 m (6-10’) long. You can expect to grow 3-5 squash per plant that can weigh 3.6-4.5...
Onion - Walla Walla
The Walla Walla onion is considered a long day onion (long-day onions need about 14 to 15 hours of daylight to bulb-short-day onions need 10 hours of daylight). The Walla Walla onion is a medium...
Squash - Ebony Acorn
Ebony Acorn Squash produces a striking slightly ribbed dark green to black acorn type squash that is 15 cm by 12 cm (5” by 6”) and weighs about 1 kg (2 lbs). The solid squash...
Bean - Pinto
Approximately 3 - 5 seeds per gram.Phaseolus vulgarisLot#BD2310885 – 120 days for dry beans. Can be harvested earlier as green snap beans. An open pollinated bush type plant produces good yields of beans. Plants grow on...
Bean - Kentucky Wonder Yell...
(Phaseolus vulgaris) The Kentucky Wonder Yellow Wax Pole Bean is a strong, hardy and vigorous climber much like the green snap variety. It is a very prolific producer of beautiful buttery yellow, round, meaty pods,...
Bean - Dutch Brown
Approximately 2-3 seeds per gram.Phaseolus vulgaris Lot#BB23104 90 – 100 days for dry beans. Open Pollinated variety. Bush type plant produces amazing yields of beans. Particularly notable for its flavor… almost buttery to nutlike. Plants are...
Onion - Ailsa Craig
The Ailsa Craig onion is considered a long day onion- (Long-day onions need about 14 to 15 hours of daylight to bulb. Short-day onions need 10 hours of daylight). The Ailsa Craig onion is named...
Squash - Hopi Orange
A cultural addition to our food source from the Hopi. The Hopi orange is a large reddish-orange winter squash type that is an excellent keeper. The squash weigh between 4.5-6.8 kg (10-15lbs) when fully mature....
Bean - Black Valentine Bush
(Phaseolus vulgaris) Black Valentine bush bean was introduced by Peter Henderson & Co. in 1897. It produces excellent quality beans that are 14-16 cm (5½-6½") long. Pods are straight, tender and flavorful and almost round....
Squash - Sweet Dumpling
Sweet Dumpling are a unique looking squash with their squat compact shape and green & ivory colors. They are a very sweet, golden fleshed squash that average 10 cm (4”) in diameter and each weigh...
Bean -Taylor Dwarf Horticul...
(Phaseolus vulgaris) Lot# BD23116 This pre-1800 dry 'Heirloom' bean is a great producer of good tasting dry beans with seeds coloured purple to red with white splashes. The plants are compact and stout that...
Squash - Table King
Table King (Bush) Squash are compact plants that grow 61 cm (24”) tall with a spread of 1-1.2 m (3-4’) wide. You can expect to grow 5-8 squash per plant that are 10 x 15...
Squash - Golden Hubbard
Golden Hubbard Squash grows to about 45 cm (18”) tall with vines that average 1.82 m (6’) long. You can expect to grow 3-5 squash per plant weighing 3.6-4.5 kg (8-10 lbs) each. The...
Squash - Vegetable Marrow
Vegetable Marrow is a semi bush with some vining. It produces pale yellow oval squash that may or may not have distinguishable ridges and can show some substantial differences in fruit coloration from very pale yellow...
Bean - Derby Bush
(Phaseolus vulgaris) Derby Bush bean is an open pollinated bush type bean that grows 45 – 46cm (18 inches) tall with a spread of 38-45 cm (15-18”). This sturdy bush bean produces large yields of remarkably...
Bean - Red Mexican
Approximately 3 - 5 seeds per gram.Phaseolus vulgarisLot#BD2312385 – 100 days for dry beans. Open Pollinated. Bush type plant produces good yields of beans. Excellent choice for home gardens. The Red Mexican Bean is also known...